Friday, 20 September 2013

All Change – 21 September 2013


All Change – 21 September 2013

Our arrival in Camp 1 was met with an overnight snow storm that saw us back down in base camp yesterday thwarting our planned acclimatisation rotation, sleeping at Camp 2 (6300m) for two nights and dropping some rations off at Camp 3 (6700m) before returning to Base Camp.

Descending back to Base Camp from Camp 1 in the snowstorm

That said the weather has changed today for the better and all the weather forecasts, from different team sources, are consistent in stating that we have five days of good weather. We are off again to try and get ourselves acclimatised by sleeping at Camp 2 and tagging Camp 3 ready for our summit push.

On a lesser note our colleague Ben took ill on the way to Camp 1, two days ago and has gone back to Kathmandu for medical tests. He was in fine spirits upon his departure in the helicopter and we wish him well. No doubt he and Little Chris will be down town Thamel, Kathmandu before long. Have one for us lads!

Ben in fine spirits before his departure in the helicopter

On another note, while in Camp 1 yesterday morning we met up with Bradley (Keith Lemon) Beresford who is sporting his new look moustache.

Keith Lemon (Lookalike) visits Camp 1

That’s it for now.


  1. Best wishes to Ben and Chris and hope they both feel well again soon. Good luck with the next venture to Camp 1

  2. Brad you do look like Keith Lemon!!!

  3. Best wishes to all, especially Jon E. Playing Preston today -lets see how the knee holds out!!!
