Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Many hands make light work!

After a long journey the team has arrived safely in Kathmandu.  With lots still to do before we depart for Aghurat the team split up with Jon & Chris A going to the Tourism Office  and meeting the minsister for tourism to collect the climbing permits, Rob & Brad shopping for medical supplies and arranging the team med pack and Jim, Ben, Chris C & Geordie buying board games to keep us sane at base camp.
Kathmandu is like nothing I have ever seen before, the roads are mental and just seem like a free for all, people sleep in the street and and there are strange smells of a mix between incencse and spices. Ben & Chris C have purchased some wacky trousers and are now resembling jesters.
Picture to follow.

1 comment:

  1. So good to know you have arrived safely.Good luck on the next legg of your journey.Great to be able to keep up with your news.Chris C it can only be you !!
    Good luck to you all.
